Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall festival time!

Wade got a few more NC boy firsts tonight. He had his first chicken stew and a hay ride!  And with Halloween and a birthday soon to celebrate this boy will get plenty more firsts to record. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yes I will honk!

I never really was one to use my horn a lot while driving. And I have been driving now for thirty years. But in the last few months I find myself honking to get through a light. You have probably been there too.....the person in the car ahead of you looks like they are praying at the red light. We know they are on their phone. The light turns second, two seconds, three seconds pass. A lot of lights stay green based on the traffic that is passing over a magnet in the road. Well the first driver may look up just in time for their car to speed through the yellow leaving all behind to sit through another cycle. Thanks a lot. 

So yes I will honk now. I give you two seconds then here it comes. Most will give a apologetic wave, yesterday a lady mouthed something at I was the one being rude. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

6 Months as a Family

We were handed a scared Xiao Ran six months ago today. But how quickly he learned to trust. Today our days are full of hugs and smiles. We love you Wade Michael. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Busy Week

Mike and I slipped away to Morganton last Tuesday night and caught the Blues Brothers revue. A fun night of music even though the audience must have averaged about 70 years old. I got us there a little early but what a nice surprise....there was a quilt show going on in the performing arts building. I thought their yo yo clothespin was a neat way to attach the information card. They were celebrating a 25th anniversary. 

Saturday it was Carrowinds and Treehouse winery then Sunday we helped celebrate a friend's 60th birthday with an afternoon cruise on the Catawba Queen. Wade had fun and became quick friends with Lynn (it didn't hurt that he let him eat his entire piece of birthday cake)