Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Buddy Loses a Tooth

Its been loose since Mother's Day and today it was barely hanging on. Its funny his mother can start IV's on the tiniest babies and yet felt squeemish about snatching this out.


Salem Stitcher said...

He looks awfully proud. My dad would now call him snagggletooth. That's what we always were when we lost a tooth. I hope the tooth fairy is good to him.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

That's a precious photo! There was more to Mom's resistance to pulling a tooth than squeamishness... that's her BABY!

nane'ssis said...

The tooth fairy was good to him and even left his tooth in his "My first tooth" box that goes along with his "first curl". She's so thoughtful!

Karen Newman Fridy said...

I get it...I couldn't stand to even look at my kids loose teeth! Blood, bruises, no prob. Loose teeth? Queasies every time!