Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My name is Norm

I have lived in South Georgia now for about 10 years with Nane's Dad. About a year ago I gave them a good scare when I left for several weeks. Come to find out some dogs had scared me away from my workshop when everyone was out of town. I "hid out" across the street under another house not knowing I was so close to home. Once they found me I had lost a lot of weight but was fine. Now my Dad lets me eat whatever I want and I rarely venture away from the house. This retired life is grand!


KQ Sue said...

Norm needs his own blog.

kwiltnkats said...

What a cute post. So glad that Norm found his way back home. Life is no good unless your with the ones you love! Great photo, he looks quite content...

Salem Stitcher said...


He looks like he enjoys retirement very much.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Gorgeous photo! Oh, the adventures this kitty has known!