Friday, June 29, 2012

It is Friday

I am trying to only indulge on Fridays


Salem Stitcher said...

You are a stronger woman than I am. Those cinnamon twists...yeah, thanks for introducing me to that.

MJMR said...

M-m-m good choice if you are only induging on Friday.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... the temptation!

Becky G said...

Oh, one of my favorites. One time @ work there were DD (the unspoken donuts) in the office. I knew immediately that whomever had brought them was not from 'round here. Sure 'nough, a sales person from out of town brought them. Krispy Kreme really is a head above! Congrats on your plan for moderation. I have a friend who works there & she seems to resist... Well, enough that her dress size hasn't changed! Happy 4th!