Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rainy Sunday Afternoon

Mommy had just enough time during Wades nap to plant some potatoes before the rain came. Now it's been an afternoon of finding things to do inside. Laundry is almost caught up and dinner is in the oven.

 Wade had his first "horsey" ride with Daddy and we are trying to get him to not touch the tv when it's on. It's the Kindle Fires fault. He touches that screen to play the games and can't understand that the tv is different. We are trying to get him to sit in the chair to watch. If this over 100 year ok'd chair only had a seat belt. 


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Sweet alert!! Too, too cute, Giddy-up, Daddy!

OhQuilter said...

OK its official, Wade is just getting more cute all the time! Looks like fun times!