I had no idea as a brand new quilter that this Log Cabin tree skirt I made my Mom almsot 20 years ago would someday be under my tree in a log cabin. Go Postal and I both chose ornaments from our stash to get our first tree together done up right.
He added candles to all the windows......
And we moved our new Santa to a more prominent place on the Huntboard since it is his time to shine. We were given him as a wedding gift, made by oneof GP's college roomate's Mother. His coat is made from an old Victorian Crazy Quilt and his old world charm couldn't be more perfect for our decor.

Christmas cards are getting addressed and I am dragging GP to Winston tonight to start some shopping. It will be Christmas day before we know it!
The Christmas tree skirt looks right at home, I'm sure your Mom agrees.
The tree skirt is PERFECT! And I love how it's something with warm memories from the past now being used to make new ones. :)
Seeing your tree skirt and knowing its history makes me smile. Looks like you two are well into enjoying your first Christmas together! Hope to see you soon!
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