Sis helped me clean up my sewing room. It is almost startling to me to walk in and see it so clean. I put every project in a tote, all the fabric up, and cleared off the cutting table. This basket contains the second quilt I every started. It is a double irish chain....and I cut out all the 1.5" blocks before I had ever heard of strip piecing. Needless to say it will probably never get finished (its about 23 years old). But Zorro decided it was finished "enough" to be a comfy napping spot. So maybe a quilt doesn't have to be done to bring somebody some comfort! Zorro, Enjoy!
That's the very face of contentment! *purr*
That's proof that there is a purpose for everything. He looks like a very happy boy!
Zoro needs his own quilt...and he looks quite pleased with it!
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