Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My trip to Honduras is going well, we finished a little early today so I am checking e-mail under a plam tree by the pool since they have wireless at the hotel. Not exactly the Honduras Go Postal experienced in January on his mission trip. I would love to get out and explore some handcrafts and local coffee but with my limited Spanish and the potential for crime, its just not worth it. I will be ready for a sweet tea once I get home....there is only so much water, coke and beer I can take before missing tea. This is the Honduran beer I have been having with dinner....its light and not too bitter yet still has a good flavor. It was served so cold last night that ice crystals formed when they opened it....YUM.


Karen Newman Fridy said...

Sounds like you are having a great time! Take lots of pictures

Almond-Rubio Family said...

Good times! Wish I was there drinking some of that beer with you.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

It was "Medallia" beer in Puerto Rico, I can relate to your experiences. The only thing better for you is if this trip had come in January! Enjoy, cheers!